Personal projects

Personal projects top image

As every computer scientist, I have a number of personal projects. Each of these originated in a particular and interesting way, and, in the end, might not be of any use to anybody.

These projects are simply the more definite and better bounded (and relatively well-behaved) of all the potential projects that haunt my mind. All of them are written in Java and are, thus, platform independent.

Karel Arena
This is an IDE for the Karel programming language written in Java. Download the source.
Is a Logo interpreter written in the first place, for my niece Hanna Paula. Yes, haply (HPL) comes from Hanna Paula Logo. ;)
The Instil Creature Generator (ICG) is a set of API and applications for generating arbitrary articulated creatures.
Language Generator by Instil (LGI) is an API for lexer and parser generator. Uses regular expressions as building blocks.
The Image Calculator (in spanish CALculadora de IMAgeN), with scripting and friendly UI.

About Me

Edgar Edgar A. Duéñez Guzmán is a Senior Research Engineer at DeepMind. Previously he was at Google, where he developed the first machine learning system to select the index for Image Search. During his academic career, he was a Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Biology at KU Leuven working with Tom Wenseleers in social evolution in microbes;
and a Research Associate at the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University working with David Haig in social evolution and imprinting.
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Contact Info

E-mail: eaduenez {at} gmail {dot} com